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We are implementing changes to the way patients can order prescriptions

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1. NHS App or Online Ordering System:
Patients can use the NHS app or other online platforms like SystmOne Online to order their prescriptions electronically.
2. Repeat Prescription Slip:
Patients can also continue to order prescriptions by posting slips through the letter box or dropping in their repeat prescription slips at the surgery.
3. Leaving an answer machine message to order prescriptions using the dedicated prescription ordering line.
This change is being made with the aim of enhancing patient safety and freeing telephone lines for patients ringing to make an appointment.
Only housebound, frail and other vulnerable patients will be able to ring the reception team to order their repeat prescriptions.
Patients are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the new methods of prescription ordering to ensure a smooth transition. If you have any questions or concerns, please speak to one of the receptionists at the surgery.
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