Dental Issues

Emergency Dental Problems / Unable to Access a Dentist 

We are sorry that you have a dental problem & are struggling to access the necessary dental care. Unfortunately, General Practitioners do not receive any dental training as part of their general medical education & training. The oral cavity & teeth are specialist entities to themselves &, therefore, we are not covered by our medicolegal insurance to provide advice or prescriptions for dental problems. 

This stance is supported by the Local Medical Committee (LMC), the British Medical Association (BMA) & the Humber Integrated Care Board (formerly the local commissioning board for NHS services). 

If you have a dental issue & cannot access a dentist for emergency care, you should ring 111 to obtain allocation to one of the area emergency dental providers. This may mean you have to travel to be seen. This is the current offering that the government is providing & any queries regarding this should be addressed to your local MP. 

Please see pdf here.